The Marine Brigade is the main unit body. It is a modern unit, equipped with the latest equipment, vehicles and weapons systems. Leading
the Brimar is a Brigadier General, which is in turn the head of the THIRD OF ARMADA, and also has a Colonel as second in command (SEJEBRIMAR) and assisted by a staff in exercising their powers of command.
The Staff is the subsidiary body of Brigadier General whose role is essentially that of control and its main tasks are to coordinate, monitor and report. Derived from this, is responsible for preparing and distributing detailed control measures to be enacted usually in the form of orders. Is commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel of Marines with the rank of Chief of Staff.
The Brimar, organic groups combat units, combat support and combat service support designed to provide the landing force in amphibious operations, established in the Strategic Defence Review 2004.
Its organizational structure is composed of seven groups, each commanded by a lieutenant colonel in the Corps, besides the aforementioned staff.
The flexibility of the Brimar lies in the diversity of skills to use without the support of higher units, different and complementary ways: helicopters, speedboats, assault craft, amphibious vehicles, parachutes, land vehicles .. ..
The Brimar has now shipped all the logistics of fighting in the amphibious ships. So within 24 hours, is able to ship personnel and vehicles required for position, and respond to the needs of the Government. It is an eminently strategic unit.
Brimar The units are:
BCG, Battalion Headquarters.
First Battalion Landing (BD-I)
Second Battalion Landing (BD-II)
Third Mechanized Battalion (BDMZ-III)
Reconnaissance Unit (Urecon)
Amphibious Mobility Group (GRUMA)
Landing Artillery Group (GAD)
Group Combat Service Support (GASC)
The Brimar participate in multinational forces as EUROMARFOR (or European Maritime Force), the SIAF (Amphibious Force Hispano Italiana) or CAFM (or Combined Amphibious Force Mediterranean).
latter, AMPHIBIOUS BRIGADE level and shared by Spain, Italy, USA, Britain, Holland, France, Truquía and Greece, NATO level and has been sent to Spain by General Brimar. The Brimar is
Expeditionary Unit, and as such are specially organized and trained to contribute to the projection naval power on earth.
also has a high binding capacity due to the high number of satellite terminals supplied, allowing each to bind to the battalion command post Brigade satellite voice, data, video ... In turn, the subordinate units receive data from Defence Intranet, Internet, Networking NATO, etc.
His shield is a lion rampant, gules, on silver, in the abyss on the whole. The lion represents the strength and courage in fighting the marines. As a heraldic symbol of nobility refers to the primacy of the First Battalion Landing and oldest unit of the Brigade and link it with its history of organics in the First Regiment and the First Marine Brigade
The Battalion Landing represent the clearest example of ongoing recruitment drive, capable of rapid response and deployment, where and when necessary.
The Brigade has two battalions of landing that consist of three Rifle Companies, one of Staff and Services and Arms Company. The First
Battalion Landing (BD-I), Weapons Company has an M2 Browning Machine Gun Section HB, and 40 mm grenade launcher, located on vehicles Hummer arms, specially adapted to the particularities of the Landing Force. This company also has a section of 81 mm mortars and other portable anti-tank missile.
Company of Staff and Services Section of Recognition frames (SERECID) Battalion, equipped with specific equipment, among which Barret sniper rifles and accuracy (12.7 and 7.62). Today
units have sophisticated equipment like night vision goggles trains and components for missions such as guide drivers in Helicopter carried out approach and assault missions, training in security, defense and protection, .....
Since its reorganization as the Third Battalion Landing South, framed in Panel Marine, the First Battalion Landing has been flaunting their Shield operations, including the Canary-Saharan campaign in 1975, and in many training exercises.
Like other units of TEAR, has participated in peace missions in the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, the catastrophe of the Prestige, in humanitarian relief mission in Haiti, and there where you need the help of the Body.
Battalion Shield dates from 1977, is an intern wolf, sable, gules lamp and silver on the abyss on the whole. Heraldically the wolf represents the warrior who, after being inactive in his fortress on a site, the field suddenly throws the enemy to attack.
is a symbol of ferocity, adaptation to the environment and efficiency in night combat, fighting qualities of amphibious operations.
The Second Battalion Landing (BD-II) was established on January 1, 1974, its first commander Tcol. D. San Martín Ramiro Deza. The year after its establishment participated in Operation "TRITON" in English Sahara, as part of the TF-91.
The Battalion is made up, like the First Battalion:
A Company of Staff and Services, which includes from the February 22, 2004 at Bon served weapons.
Three Rifle Companies (5 th, 6 th and 7 th Cias.).
Following the new strategic environment and without losing its character amphibious units may Battalion exploit the expeditionary nature and flexibility of any Marine unit and participate in new missions such as protection of ships in areas at risk and in support of maritime interdiction operations.
One year after its establishment participated in the Operacióin "TRITON" in English Sahara, as part of the TF-91, and since 1997 has continuously participated in the operations of the Peace in Bosnia as part the contingent of SFOR.
In July 2002, a section of rifles Co. 6th. participated as a reserve of strength and security duties of ships in the area of \u200b\u200boperations in recovery of the Parsley Island.
from May 2002 to May 2003 the Second Battalion took part in Operation Enduring Freedom with security detachments embarked on Navy ships deployed in the Indian Ocean. In the latter scenario was developed in December 2002 Operation "Socotra" Barring a Korean vessel suspected. In it, shooters select the 2 nd Battalion with sniper rifles brought down the rigging of the merchant to allow the helicopter to approach and then held the record of their warehouses in carrying war materials.
In December 2002, the 5th Co.. moved Galicia to join the fight against pollution caused by discharges of oil tanker "Prestige". Subsequently, in March 2003, the bulk of the battalion deployed in Galicia and Cantabria with the same tasks.
During the summer of 2003, units of the 2 nd Bon formed the nucleus of the FIMIF (Force of the Marine Corps for Operation INDIA-FOXTROT), who traveled to Kuwait on ships "CASTILE", "Pizarro" and the merchant "VELAZQUEZ" with tasks of protecting the Force TF-842 in the risk areas and in port. Tier carrying the Force Chief of Brigade "PLUS ULTRA" to be deployed in Iraq.
In April 2004, active Battalion to participate in the nationwide operation "ROMEO" MIKE ", committed by security and safety along the stretch of road AVE Seville, Cordoba, and sections of track Getafe - Alcazar de San Juan and Getafe - Tarancón.
in October 2004 and on board the LPD Galicia (L-51) ", 150 members of the 2nd Bon, departing for Haiti Expeditionary Force, Marine Corps (FIMEX-H) to participate in the operation · SEA "UN-mandated mission to establish a stable and secure environment in the area assigned to the northwest of Haiti.
In November 2005 the 5th Co.. form the bulk of the FIMEX-H IV staying in area of \u200b\u200boperations until March 26, 2006.
In March 2006 the 6th Cía. is constituted as a Protection Force Redeployment Unit for Mission (URHAITI) together with the last remaining units FIMEX-H IV in the Area of \u200b\u200bOperations until March 26, 2006, when it comes to lowering of the flag Fort Liberté and concludes mission in Haiti. Within
continued participation in Operation ALTHEA Brimar as part of the European Force in Bosnia-Herzegovina (EUFOR), the BD-II has played a major role in 2006. Between May and September the 7th Rifle Company was the twenty- eighth Marine Force moved to the Balkan country (FIMAR XXVIII).
This force was replaced in September 2006 by the 6th Rifle Company (FIMAR XXIX), which was relieved in January 2007 by a unit of BD-I.
FIMEX LEBANON Operation Immediate Response.
Following Resolution 1701 Security Council United Nations, the government determines the contribution of Spain by sending a military force in strengthening the UN mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
Marines was chosen to accomplish the mission with the establishment of the Expeditionary Force in Lebanon (FIMEX-L).
The Second Battalion Landing is the core of the force with the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel as deputy chief and battalion staff-body and core Force Command, in addition to the participation of the Company of Staff and Services to the Communications Section, Division of Services, Heavy Machine Gun Section and Section of Recognition.
is part of the Rota Naval Base on September 8, 2006 and remains in Area of \u200b\u200bOperations to November 12, 2005.
Operation Immediate Response was the second overseas mission that unfolds in the Navy and Independent Marine Army, resulting in a success in terms of level of operation and achieved sustained support. Both
in Lebanon, as before in Haiti, the BD-II has been the first unit to arrive in the area of \u200b\u200boperations and begin their respective quests for Marine Brigade.
Third Mechanized Battalion (BDMZ-III)
His coat is a unicorn prancing silver thread and Turn Sable, in the abyss on the whole. Established to operate in the former Yugoslavia, as a mechanized unit emulates his shield strength and speed, skill and courage of the English horse of battle, characters consistent with the heraldic significance of this figure unrealistic.
Third Mechanized Battalion Landing (BDMZ-III) was born in 2001 based on the previous Amphibious Mechanized Group, which brought the means to provide power to shock and machine guns Companies of Brimar, as well as heavy antitank means.
is the most appropriate unit to undertake rapid action, designed to cope with mechanized forces, to operations operational tactics, and to be a powerful and flexible booking.
The BDMZ-III will consist of a Company. of Staff and Services, two Cias. Mechanized Landing (the 9 th and 10 th) and Cia. Car (the 11th). As a temporary organization, the Organization Instruction no. 02/01 BDMZ activates said, becoming the Cia. PLMS, 9 ª Cía. (AAV), the Cia. C / C and 11 ª Cía. (Cars). Cias structures. have established any basis until receipt of Piranha.
Initially, the basic structure of the CIA will be embarking on seven MZ AAV, s.:
1 Command, with its auxiliaries and logistics platoon.
3 Sections 6 for Mechanized Landing (SDMZ, s) (with two platoons each).
Although this organization is the basic minimum and normally will be assigned another AAVP carrying a section of sappers, mortars media (MM) or ACAF.
Mechanized Rifle Companies count as infantry combat vehicle (ICV) with modern, powerful and newly acquired MOWAG PIRANHA IIIC 8x8. The vehicle, equipped with excellent firepower, has a 12.7 mm Browning machine gun. and MK-19 grenade launcher 40 mm. With a budget two men can also carry a fully equipped squad for the match.
framed in the company of Staff and Services Branch is the control, the Section of services with its basic maintenance platoons in this type of mechanized units, the Communications Section and Sections of recognition and mortars.
Third Mechanized Battalion Landing for the first time he held his shield on his screenplays in the campaign of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which took framed in the Force of NATO Peace Implementation, deployed in that area of \u200b\u200boperations in 1996 . It consists of a unicorn prancing silver thread and Turn Sable, in the abyss on the whole. Established to operate in the former Yugoslavia, as a mechanized unit emulates his shield strength and speed, skill and courage of the English horse of battle, characters consistent with the heraldic significance of this figure unrealistic.
His coat is a tube-through lamp, gules and silver on the abyss on the whole.
The Landing Artillery Group (GAD) has the elements necessary to provide the capacity Brimar air defense, fire support and the necessary artillery fire control agencies, can for directing and coordinating the various arms of support for the benefit of the Landing Force, concur in the amphibious operation.
Artillery Group consists of two batteries of artillery pieces featuring Oto-Melara M-56 of 105/14 mm., Towed by trucks or by Hummer vehicles, a battery-Propelled equipped with M-109 pieces of 155 mm., with its rapid ammunition vehicles FAASV M-992 and a battery of Light Mistral anti-aircraft missiles, carried on Hummers.
deserve prominent mention Equipment Acquisition and Control of Fires Support (ACAF). Its members, trained in the conduct of supporting arms, are experts in advanced tactical air control, conducting naval gunfire support, and conduct of artillery fire. In addition to this technical qualification ACAF teams are trained in techniques of infiltration, evasion and escape, including skydiving, so they get placed on the ground in time and place.
recently entered into a software service of Tyre (STIM) in collaboration with the Technical Services Unit Base. The system is based on a wireless computer network on a server and data transmission parts PDA equipped with, s. ^ Top
Group Combat Service Support (GASC) is the logistics unit of the brigade itself. Specially equipped and organized to provide this support in combat situations and in particular during amphibious operations. This unit is of utmost importance because it is what provides the energy needed to combat Brigade.
This consists of the following companies: Company
of Staff and Services.
Society of Health.
Transport Company.
Supply Company.
Maintenance Company.
Company Health's mission is to support the Brigade in operations and also becomes a valuable asset in peacekeeping operations and civilian aid.
has the means to develop their work, both individual transport medical items first aid to the wounded, including broader coverage items that are installed in camps or bivouac.
Transport Company has light trucks and heavy transport trucks gondolas KYNOS ALJABA, sappers machinery, mechanical and modular workshops mules campaign.
Maintenance Company's mission is to have all vehicles in perfect working order for the Brimar can have them at all times. They are endowed with modern facilities in the cantonment of TEAR and the resources needed to assist in exercises or actual performance.
Supply Company, as its name implies, is responsible for supplies to units necessary provisions for the development of the tasks assigned.
available for this truck, water and fuel tanks, drives trucks, etc.
Coat of Recognition Unit dates back to 2009 is protected by armor arm, in color, which runs from the sea (blue field) and thrown on the ground (gold country) three cannon rays gules.
arms representing strength while rays symbolize war activity in the previously noted the havoc that causes hand, an activity typical of reconnaissance units. The three rays also represent the three units in maneuvers for which the Brigade Reconnaissance Unit works.
Unit Recognition is the youngest in the Marine Brigade as it is created by resolution 600/07817/2009 of 23 April, the Admiral Chief of Staff of the Navy. The
Urecon created by the need to provide the Brimar of a unit that meets their needs for recognition in depth beyond that provided by the SERECID of the battalions. This mission was performed by the well-known Special Operations Unit (UOE) Brimar's own, but the creation of the Force Special Naval War absorbed the UOE and UEBC and a spectrum of missions beyond recognition created a gap in recognizing the needs of our brigade.
Urecon's mission is to conduct reconnaissance operations for the benefit of those organizations and Brimar operative to be allocated. The tasks resulting from this mission are framed within the remit of the Brimar, being able to differentiate between amphibious operations and land operations.
The Urecon is commanded by a lieutenant colonel of Marines.
Estoles is structured and staffed it to carry out their duties.
Its structure is:
Support Estol. First
Estol. Second
Estol (Motorized)
His shield is a winged dragon intern lamp, gules and silver on the abyss on the whole. The main function
Amphibious Mobility Group (GRUMA) is to give Landing Battalions nonorganic means necessary to fulfill its mission.
Amphibious Group Mobility (GRUMA) was established on 25 April 2003 as the restructuring plan marked the third of Navy in the E-01A PLAN.
This group was born from the necessity to unite within a single unit to all units that provide combat support to the Marine Brigade, and that until then were integrated into other battalions / groups. This organic
, supports the Brigade Combat are centralized and available to other units of the Brigade that require specialized support, facilitating their employment and at the same time maintenance work and training.
GRUMA The composition is as follows:
The Company of Staff and Services has its origins in November 2002 with the creation of the Command Center for GRAE, origin of the present group. The Company fits the personnel and material support necessary to provide the necessary management and maintenance to other Group companies.
Sapper Company has its origins in the creation of the Special Group 1957, later moving to the Third Army following its establishment in 1968, being initially framed in the Combat Logistics Group. The Sappers Brigade provide mobility contramovilidad and protection it needs. To perform its tasks has different personnel and equipment and light machinery, generators, backhoes, bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks, etc. An ambitious program includes the acquisition of new material of any breach, material DOE minimáquinas and sappers vehicles based on the Piranha III vehicle.
Company Amphibious Assault Vehicle stems Amphibian Tractor Company LVT-4 model created in the panel and speaking for the first time SPIKE STEEL exercise in 1964.
Company Amphibious Assault Vehicle Company brings together a group of boats landing organic means of the Brigade. Today, the Company has the AAV 7A1 model vehicle that their ancestors continues to provide the necessary protection to the companies of rifles in the first waves of landing. Vehicles are also available in communications configuration and recovery.
Engagement Anti Arms Company has its origins in the Society Engagement Anti Panel, equipped with recoilless rifles, 75 mm, which was later framed in the Association of Combat Support the creation of the Tercio de Armada in 1968. This Co. provides the necessary defense brigade antitank through its fiber-optic guided missiles mounted on vehicles TOW2A HUMMER semiblindados high mobility.
Boat Company has its origins in the arrival of the first ships in 1998, fitting initially as a section within the Company of Staff and Services Group Combat Service Support. The Company has SUPERCAT model boats, which as noted above Company is with Amphibious Assault Vehicle, organic means landing Brigade, providing a large Brigade capacity ship-to-shore movement.
Mobility Company in Sandy and General Support is organized to support the landing of the brigade in two landing beaches and a helicopter landing zone simultaneously.
is structured:
PLM and SV, s: Provides control of the CIA / Equipment. Motion Section
Beach: Provides staff and material to support the landing on the beach or in areas of making helicopters.
Support Section: Provides personnel and equipment necessary to support the movement of beach section in their duties. Section
NBC: Performs recognition of areas contaminated by NBC agents and provides a means of decontamination.
UCG The shield of the emblem should be used by the staff since 1957. It consists of a five-pointed star, silver, sable threaded in the abyss on the whole. The star is the emblem of the General Staff, which operates in the organic framework of the General Headquarters. Heraldry is a symbol of greatness, truth and light, and represents the wisdom, values \u200b\u200bthat should govern the actions of those who support the action of control.
Headquarters Unit (UCG) is the entity that provides the necessary capabilities Brigade to articulate the system of command, control and information of a Landing Force in the conduct of its operations in any environment.
is equipped with advanced technological resources including computers are frequency-hopping radio on all bands, satellite communications systems, remote sensing and electro-optical, thermal cameras, etc. Organically
UCG is composed of three companies:
The Company headquarters is comprised of staff and military police staff required for operation of the actuator of the Brigade.
Communications Company CIS systems is necessary to allow all types of voice and data communications in HF, VHF, UHF and satellite and computer media (wireless networks, servers, fiber optic, etc.) necessary to integrate the command and control systems as required.
Intelligence Company with thermal cameras, radars and infrared sensors and seismic. CIDI also integrates the Brigade.