The MOE is one of the components of our Armed Forces more saved discretion with respect to its composition, equipment, training and missions. The answers to the questionnaire which the author referred to the Controller to give substance to this report were answered very general, without going into too much detail. Keep in mind that from the outstanding participation of 28 members on July 17, 2002 in Operation Romeo Sierra for the eviction of the islet of Parsley the unit "enjoyed" a publicity which was not used. Ultimately this could have become very damaging to its components, given that in the subsequent absence of news about operations feared that began appearing in some media published information deemed confidential by the Command, such as codes and frequencies radio, leaks MOE members try to avoid at all costs.
In July 2009, the MOE "Military Orders", whose name comes from which was the first English Special Operations Group, is celebrating its eleventh birthday. I had the opportunity to visit first when only had one year on and the truth is that the time to date has been well spent, in my humble opinion, as well as experience gained during the most diverse real operations Spain and abroad, the components of Command now have improved materials and adapted to the type of international missions that require the English presence.
armament has been very positively also increased quality and variety, disappearing very unreliable weapons, which have been or are being replaced by other reputed behavior of the field, well equipped with modern lighting and shot.
Everything is always better, of course, but certainly the images accompanying this story that will deliver long-divided into two chapters show that our Special Operations Command is properly trained, equipped and armed to meet the three missions typical of his specialty: direct action, special recognition and military assistance to allies. MOE Organization
The Plan "New Organization Army "and provides for the creation NORTH Command, made concrete by the Ministerial Order 184/1997, dated October 6, 1997. The MOE will report directly to the Center for Support of the Maneuver Force. After one year Next it is determined that the GOE "Valencia" III, the GOE "Third of Ampurdán" IV and the Banner of Special Operations of the Legion (BOEL), are the units that report directly to the MOE, settling all of them in the barracks Red Ensign Navarrete, located in the Alicante area of \u200b\u200bRabasa.
With the creation of the rest of GOES MOE still exist (I, II, V and VI) are dissolved and lose its character BOEL Legion, to be renamed GOE "Maderal Oleaga" XIX. Thus, the first organization of the MOE is composed of the three GOES and a Headquarters. GOE is organized every turn in a General Staff Command and Special Operations three companies: one of Staff, another Direct Action and Special Reconnaissance third. In 2006 a royal decree establishing changes in the organization of MOE, integrated into the core of the Land Forces, happens to be composed of a Headquarters, a Headquarters Group, the three GOES cited and Transfer Company. At his command is a Brigadier General, currently D. Adolfo Coloma Contreras, who previously had under his command as colonel of the Third Great Captain of the Legion stationed in Melilla.
The headquarters has a staff headed by a lieutenant colonel. Integrated into the Group Headquarters is a unity of experience, to assess the new procedures and materials that could be useful for the MOE, Training Unit, responsible for training, and Headquarters Company, divided into a unit Logistics and Protection Unit, serving the latter for security duties in barracks. Each current GOE is commanded by a lieutenant colonel, splitting into a Small Flat Major and Special Operations Company, divided into several operating teams. Each of its members have at least one of these specialties: browser, select shooter, explosives and destruction, transfer or health.
Depending on the nature of the mission essential equipment (EB) can be configured with the addition of items with other capabilities, to increase the number of such precision shooters. Broadcasting Company is in turn commanded by a Captain. Like the Group Headquarters, the Company was established on July 1, 2005. The birth of these new structures is the reason why the number of companies has been reduced from three to one in each GOE. As we said from the command "basic training is common to all fighters, but as scenarios in which action can be very different (water, mountains, desert ...) requires a specific training of our units" .
Historically, the GOE III has been more specialized in missions and the aquatic environment and BOEL IV combat patrol in a mountainous area in depth, keeping each specialized teams in action in town, mountain, combat diving , skydiving, special recognition and deep, mountain, snipers, mortars light ...
Increased training
At the beginning of the journey of the MOE-mobile Aero Force Army (FAMET) with which they had operated Command pilots of helicopters able to carry out Special Operations, the they do not exist for a specific instruction. Thus, the most experienced pilots were selected to work alongside the soldiers of the MOE. The author of this article could see during his first visit to control how the combination of the two units was made, however, to perfection, reaching great skill exercises today are no longer possible because they have meet certain NATO rules of standardized procedures that make them unique.
I refer in particular to an exercise conducted off the coast of Cadiz in which a team from MOE dropped by rope technique "fast-roping" from a hovering Cougar to the deck of a submarine that had just emerged against to the naval base Algameca with a surge that had everything under "cal-Madit." Then, the same team was exfiltrated by the same instrument using the technique of "spie-rig", with soldiers hanging from the helicopter due to a thick rope, thus being moved to safety.
Today the MOE develops an annual exercise with FAMET and Education Center (CEFAMET), which instructs the crews of the aircraft in survival and evasion techniques, so be prepared to survive until the arrival of a rescue team in case of killed on hostile ground. In this same sense of collaboration between soldiers and pilots, the MOE has currently trained to perform missions Forward Air Controller (FAC), so that its components can request close air support, such as during an ambush, or white point Aviation to be treated by the apparatus of the Air Force or allied forces, capabilities in Spain until recently only EZAPAC were in the Air Force and the teams ACAF Marine Brigade.
Training of MOE Marksman starts with the Special Operations Course, which has a duration of one year for controls and five months for the kinds of troops. After acquiring basic knowledge is passed to a course of five months of advanced training in Special Operations. At the end of this second period is selected students to have better results in Tyre, who perform a specific course that enables them to be part of the Marksman Equipment MOE. This course has now run for five weeks, although it is intended happens to be extended to seven.
training not end there, since those teams must follow a year of education before they can be used operationally. All this knowledge will increase progressively through specific courses, exercises with other units, the experience gained in the development of real missions and participation in events
As we indicated from the Press Office of the MOE, "four years ago participated in a series of international competitions that tested the training and skill of the shooters. Each test is designed to develop a technique in particular. In addition to the competition will develop a series of symposia where they share new techniques, lessons learned and tactics to reinforce the training programs of the shooters. "
" These competitions are markedly increased the instruction of the shooters as has been observed after different stakes, because mainly because the tests are set in the lessons learned and grown from the operations being carried out today. "
Specifically, the English MOE has participated in the following events: the ninth and eleventh" Annual Canadian International Sniper They concentrated ", held respectively from 12 to 21 September 2005 and 10 to 20 September 2007 in Canada and the eighth and ninth "Annual U.S. Army International Sniper Competition held from 16 to 23 October 2008 and 15 to 22 October 2009.
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