, actor in recent months is immersed in the literature (and which has published an e-book), said that his involvement with the story "Choosing a path '' impromptu speech from a trip I did in my youth , motivated by reading books like 'On the Road' by Jack Kerouac. " Participants in this kind of book groups that proliferated in recent years are repeated in many cases and remind others, as is the case of 'Hank over' and the recent edition of 'Vinalia Trippers. " Vicente Muñoz Álvarez himself has revived this popular fanzine of 90 and with cover the artist Miguel Angel Martin, has sought a deluxe edition. It Rioja collaborate Pepe Pereza, Lucas Rodríguez, Enrique Cabezón, Bañares Adriana Camacho and Sonia San Román.
is the latter, together with the logroñeses Cabezón and Nuria Ruiz de Viñaspre, which repeats itself again in another book. This is the anthology "Poetry Puta '(Gauge Lights, 2010)," a modest form of solidarity with prostitutes and in particular Hetaria' group to which the publisher will donate all the proceeds from the sale of this book. A total of 81 poets are included in this work, including Karmelo C. Iribarren and Roger Wolfe. But there's more. 'Poetics Hamlet V. Children's poetry. Dada in verse '(Opera Prima, 2011), which brings together authors as Aute, Ouka Leele and Jesus Munarriz, also has San Román and Cabezón in its pages, and that he participated in the previous installment, the fourth is devoted to sex . Http://www.larioja.com/v/20110426/cultura/jovenes-golpean-fuerte-literatura-20110426.html
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