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(Article published on May 10, 2011 in the newspaper La Opinión de Murcia)
If the worst happens at the end of the fault will Bievenu Mbutu Mondondo . That guy who is that resonances surname culinary Murcia ... Well this is a Congolese citizen, or maybe Belgian of Congolese origin, who, apparently, hump him Tintin and, especially, one of their albums, the second if we as first that of "Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, which, incidentally, also plagues the Communists have taken.
Mr. Mondondo has asked the Belgian courts to ban the cartoon drawn by Hergé in 1930 entitled "Tintin in the Congo", also questioned in the United Kingdom, France and the United Conspiracy United for Political Correctness, considering the Congolese offensive stereotypes it contains considered propaganda of colonization. In a country where most universal heritage is composed basically Tintin and the Manneken Pis, is at least surprising that the Belgian court has declared admissible the complaint and intends to dispatch it next fall.
As I write this I have before it the album of Hergé. And yes, the album contains vignettes in which the Congolese appear dressed as in the first film Johnny Weismuller or photographs illustrating the travel books of Dr. Livingstone . Also seem curiously at those tins of Domund head as neg rite which in my distant childhood collecting donations for the missions. The Congolese people are wearing clothes Tintin waste of white colonialists, just like today, with the only difference being that back then waste clothes were Levites, umbrellas and cuffs and collars, and today cotton shirts frayed sweatpants. The defense of the company managing the work of Hergé sensibly argues that this is a work of fiction created over seventy years ago and should be viewed as a document of that era.
Mondondo the citizen's right to denounce colonialism, because colonialism, or at least many of its effects remains. But lost if Tintin's complaint brought against a paper hero style of his time, and not against those who make that colonialism persists in the Congo, starting with the Congolese themselves to remain locked in bloody tribal war between Hutus, Tutsis and mai-mais or between north and south (always the north and south) to take over the huge deposits of coltan and sell to multinational electronics. Coltan is a mineral composed of columbite and tantalite, strategic elements essential for the manufacture of advanced electronic components.
And there is the mother of the lamb.
The war over coltan,
But, of course, is cheaper and safer stoke Tintin, Snowy, partly because his faithful fox terrier of paper, does not bite.
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