The GEO Group is the elite Corps National Police. It was created in 1978 following the example of German GSG-9. Born to fight urban terrorism and all those involved in criminal activities (especially hostage taking) which required a very special team. They are specially trained to escort missions and VIP protection and control of special areas.
Its main functions are:
· release of people kidnapped or taken hostage.
• Reduction or neutralization of terrorist gang members, armed or dangerous criminals.
· Opening and entry into the sites used por los componentes de bandas terroristas y de grupos de delincuencia organizada.
· Ejecutar los dispositivos de protección de personas y bienes que se les encomienden y precisen una especial cualificación.
· Prestar servicio de seguridad en las sedes de las representaciones diplomáticas y consulares de España en el extranjero, cuando se considere oportuno.
· Realizar reconocimientos subacuáticos tendentes a la búsqueda de víctimas, artefactos explosivos o cualquier otro efecto utilizado para la comisión de un hecho delictivo.
· Realizar cualquier servicio cuya ejecución precise una especial cualificación *
* "must be mentioned as one of the services that require more skill in GEO, the collision of ships at sea, because of its danger. Such services do during the last decade, are becoming common in the group, require a constant and laborious preparation in that area. "
The concept and approach for governing the performance of GEO is based in such situations as we see in those operations in which the other members of the National Police because of their qualifications or high danger of the situation, can not act, reflecting in the second paragraph of the resolution of December 27, 1989.
The GEO has an operative section and the support, both stationed in Guadalajara. The first has just under 100 men fall into two operating groups called "Alpha" and "Bravo." Formerly called "10", "20" and "30", but due to lack of staff, this structure was changed, moving to create two task forces called "40" and "50" which eventually became known as "Alpha" and "Bravo" as mentioned above. The latter change affected the structure of such groups, in terms of controls and standards. The second is made by police who have not taken the course or ex-operative and its mission is related to logistics, automotive, healthcare, management and campus security among others.
Operations Section within the Task Force falls and Specialty Training and the Task Force GOFE Techniques and Experiences GOTE and the first mission is to coordinate all activities related to training courses, in addition to also work to support the activities of the Task Force and coordinate the recycling and technical evaluations of the operational staff of GEO and the GOES mission is the second concerning material developments in addition to assessing these, if that may be of interest to the GEO The Task Force is coordinated by the second head of GEO which coordinates but not as actively The Task Forces ("Alpha" and "Bravo").
They have a large number of land transport, air (Aerial Media Service of the NPC, the Air Force and FAMET, Aeromóviles Forces Army, are at your disposal all the elements they need) and underwater, since many of its members dominate the perfection that specialty.
All staff comes from National Police and requires a minimum of two years to access the course. although in recent calls, this condition has not been effective due to lack of unit staff. A first selection is based on data provided by their unit commanders, while safeguarding the psychological factor. The second step is already at the base of Guadalajara, where they pass a stringent medical tests and physical test. In addition to individual tests are carried out by other group and team work, finishing with personal and group interviews by psychologists and managers.
Once this period the GEO future, which will be reduced to 15% of them will have access to "GEO Specialization Course" for seven months that become specialists in climbing techniques diving, parachuting, precision shooting and instinctive, driving under any circumstances, use of explosives, analysis of terrorist groups and so on. Be highly qualified, extraordinary reflexes and absolute trust in themselves and their peers.
To access the Special Operations Group, the main prerequisite is to be an officer of the National Police, then give details of others:
- Bringing more than a year as an official of the National Police (This figure may differ depending on the call)
- not found in period of servitude, or doing another course than the officials who are assigned to the GOES.
After receiving the requests, the Training and Development Division, conducts a pre-selection based on merit accredited by the applicants, among which is valued possession:
- official language titles.
- officially Martial Arts Degrees recognized by the Higher Sports Council.
- Professional Qualifications
Diving - Sport Diving Qualifications issued by the English Federation of Underwater Activities.
- Diploma in Physical Education Instructor (replacing Physical Education Diploma).
- Shooting Instructor Diploma.
- Diploma of Specialization for access to Special Security Task Forces (GOES).
- Diploma in EOD.
- Diploma in varying degrees of Specialization for Police Intervention Unit (PIU).
- be hold one of the degrees of fitness in force, issued by the Division of Training and Development.
- Any other similar characteristics.
preselected officials, the Division of Training and the selection of officials, who must go to perform the following tests of selectivity:
Physical fitness tests:
- Swimming: Make a trip to swim, 50-meter freestyle.
- Resistance: Race 3000 meters on smooth, flat and hard.
- Speed: 50 meter race on smooth, flat and hard.
- Vertical Jump: Located along side a vertical wall with one arm fully extended upward, marks the height reached in this position. From a distance of 20 cm from the vertical wall jump up, marking the level reached. The distance between the starting mark and won in the jump.
- Push-ups: From the pure suspension position with the palms back and full extension of arms, flex his arms sticking his chin above the bar, then spreading arms fully.
Only have one attempt each test. APTOS
students will be considered to obtain a total score less than 25 points must be achieved in each of the 5 tests a minimum of 3 points, according to the following table of marks. Those officials who do not obtain any evidence in the minimum of 3 points will be declared unfit, ending at that time the selection process.
psycho Aptitude Tests:
These tests are aimed at assessing the skills and personality traits of the candidates, referencing the job characteristics work to play.
Your rating will be fit or unfit.
Once passed the tests above, there will be a personal interview in order to compare the data obtained during the process, and to determine the suitability of the candidate to perform functions own the job.
Your rating will be fit or unfit.
Member Access Executive Scale:
access to the GEO from the executive level (Inspector) requirements are exactly the same as for the basic scale, with the asset that very few seats are held exclusively due to two reasons, first and most obvious is that there are not many places to police inspector and police officer, and the second and last is that the most logical is that the inspectors in the GEO what are internal promotion, and least common is that access from outside the Group.
Once you access the course discusses in more depth the leadership and leadership that an applicant that a police officer or police officer. The course is similar to that undertaken by the latter, the latter being difficult because of logic may instruct an inspector operating if it was not.
degrees which are assessed to have access to "GEO Specialization Course"
official languages \u200b\u200b
These qualifications are taught Official Language in Schools, these are publicly owned institutions, namely the Ministry of Education and Science or the Autonomous Communities, which offer language teaching non-university public. The lessons taught in the Official Language Schools are regulated by various decrees. This
The information can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture Web
list of official language schools:
must also highlight the degree of language that grants the DGP and are comparable to those obtained in the Official School of Languages \u200b\u200band previously explained to them.
You can get more information on these degrees, Sigespol.
Martial Arts Degree, recognized by the Sports Council:
These qualifications are awarded by the Higher Sports Council, to obtain, must practice a martial art known by that institution (Karate, Judo, Jit-Jitsu, etc. ..)
To do this, you must enroll in a federation recognized by the Higher Sports Council, and perform the exam.
For more information, please access the website of CSD:
Degrees professional scuba diving sports:
These qualifications recognizes the FEDA (English Federation of Underwater Activities) through the federated clubs throughout the country.
This degree is obtained by a Course of Initiation (1 st star diver) and can be extended up to 3 star experience or opt for a specialty dive (night diving, deep wrecks, in caves, etc. ..)
For more information, please access the website of the English Federation of Underwater Activities http://www.fedas. is
types of titles: Grades fitness issued by the Learning and Development Division of the NPC:
These degrees are recognized merit effects of internal promotion and access them via voluntary, not mandatory for any officer being of the NPC, have it.
There are 6 groups of skill levels physics. They all vary by age of the official.
There are three degrees of fitness (A, B and C) and you get them, according to the thresholds obtained in the implementation of the relevant evidence.
These grades are re-enact, once a year.
tests performed, to obtain the degree of physical fitness are:
Speed \u200b\u200bTest:
-Carrera 50 meter dash. Power
-Flex arm suspension-pure
medicine ball undercarriage
-flexing of the body.
general resistance:
-Race 1 Km
To obtain the degree of physical fitness is necessary to score points in all tests.
CNP All those officials who wish can get more information on the resolution of September 23, 1993.
Diploma in EOD:
This diploma course is obtained by the EOD of the National Police.
can get more information on Sigespol.
Diploma of Physical Education Instructor (replacing Education Diploma Física):
Dicho diploma, se obtiene realizando el curso de Instructor de Educación Fisica del Ejercito, en Toledo, cuya duración es de 7 meses.
También barema la Licenciatura de CC. de la Actividad Física y del Deporte.
Diploma de Instructor de Tiro:
Dicho diploma se obtiene realizando un curso de corta duración impartido por el Cuerpo Nacional de Policía.
Puede obtener mas información en Sigespol.
- HK P9S
- Sig Sauer P226 (Algunas con tratamiento anticorrosivo para operaciones en el medio acuático o acondicionadas para emplear UTM ammunition paint)
- Manhurin MR-73 submachine
- HK MP5 (Some put to use paint ammunition UTM)
or A2 (Entrenamientos. fixed plastic butt.)
or A3 (older) or A4
or A5 (Butt retractable) or A4
PT (for training. Exclusively for ammunition PT. Culata fixed.) A5
or PT (for training. Exclusively for ammunition PT. Culata shrink.)
or K PDW (Some with case) or
SD-2 (Fixed Butt)
or SD-3 (Folding Butt) or SD-6
- FN P90
- HK 33
or E (butt set)
or EK (retractable butt)
- HK 53 (MP5 for .223 caliber Remington)
- HK G41-TGS (HK79 with 40-mm grenade launcher.)
- HG FS G3 (also called G3 SG / 1. Caliber .308 Winchester)
- Sig Sauer 551 SWAT (some with grenade launchers GWA GIS 97K of 40 mm.)
- Sig Sauer 552 Commando
- HK G36
- HK AG36
- FN F2000 Tactical (some with grenade launcher 40 mm FN EGLM)
Shotguns - Remington M870 "Wingmaster" (Size 12/76. Cylinder wood and metal fixed base.)
- HK 512 (Size 12/70 and 12/76. Benelli derived from the Army 1.)
- Franchi SPS 350 (Shotgun widely used in the CNP. Canyon short.)
- Franchi SPS 230 (Amendment smaller than the SPS 350 without head.)
sniper rifle - Mauser 66SP (.308 Winchester)
- Sig-Sauer SSG 2000 (.308 Winchester)
- Sako TRG-21 (.308 Winchester. enrroscado can take a silencer.)
- Sako TRG-41 (.338 Lapua Magnum)
- SSR Mk2 Sako (Sako also called A2. With integral silencer.)
- HK PSG-1D (.308 Winchester)
- HK 33 SG1 (With bipod and sight. sniper weapon against short distances. Caliber .308 Winchester)
- AMP DSR-1 (.308 Winchester)
- Plastic PT (for training. Lethal at close range.)
- Frangible (For aircraft operations and boardings of vessels at sea, do not penetrate the fuselage of the aircraft and do not bounce off the hulls of ships.)
- Armored GECO
- soft core and further expansion "MEN DM11B2"
- Plotters Shock Defense
- Perforator "KTW"
- Semiblindadas and shielded ENSB
- UTM (For training, ammunition, paint)
REVOLVER - .38 Special
- .357 Magnum
40 mm grenades. FOR grenade launcher.
- CS
- fumigated
- bivalent
- CS Gas Liquid AAI Corp. "SGA-100 Ferret Barricade"
- Garfie
- Breneke
PRECISION Rifle - 7.62 mm Winchester
- Norma "Macht"
- Dag "Macht"
- .338 Lapua 250-grain
- Sig Sauer P226 (El module LAS / TAC)
the Xenon lamp module with laser
- HK MP5
the Emitter Laser EDS
display Wetzlar 4x optical Hensoldt
the lattice type "German"
the lantern Sure-Fire 6P "
the Sure-Fire flashlight" L60 "Other
the lantern display potent
Trijicon" ACOG "
the Emitter Laser Laser Products" L70 "
the microlaser" EDS-630 "
- FN P90
the Emitter Laser
assault rifle
- HK 33
display Bushnell" Holosight "
the" Aimpoint 5000 "
- HG FS G3
the optical viewfinder Carl Day Zeiss 1.5-6x Diavari
- Sig Sauer 551 SWAT (some with grenade launchers GWA GIS 97K of 40 mm.) Laser Transmitter
- Sig Sauer 552 Commando Laser Transmitter
Shotguns - Franchi
SPS 350 or Sure Lanterns -Fire
or day / night ITT "7201" 3 rd Generation Plus
- Mauser 66SP Viewers
or daytime optical Carl Zeiss 1.5-6x Diavari Viewers
or optronics "SU-87 AN/PVS-4 VARO "Generation 2 Camera
or special" ZF-GR82 (Polaroid operation. Performs a snapshot in time Trigger ")
- Sig Sauer SSG-2000
or Viewers Zeiss-Diatal" ZA 8x56 mm. "
- Sako TRG-21
or Viewers day Schmidt & Bender 3-12x50mm."
or System Optronic SIMRAD "KN-250F"
- Sako TRG-41
or Viewers day Schmidt & Bender 3-12x50mm. "
or System Optronic SIMRAD" KN-250F "
or optical viewfinders day" Henspoltz 6x42mm. "
nonlethal weapons
- Falken F505
- Type "Stun"
- Taser
- tear gas (CS gas)