Panels of the National Police to address the various forms of organized crime began to build in the mid 60's.
One of the first groups were established in 1963 with the name of Grenadier Guards officers took part in it from the various regions of the country and its formation was at school Lancers Tolemaida Army-Melgar, as in Gabriel González school Espinal-Tolima.
His instruction was based on theoretical and practical training tailored to the situation of public policy at the time was presented as climbing, fighting and patrolling, transmissions, weapons and shooting, mapping and guidance, gymnastics, self defense, track pitch, explosives and demolitions, psychological warfare, bayonet fencing, escape and evasion and first aid.
many specialized groups emerged from the 70's and 80's as the Special Operations "GOES", the Special Armed Corps "CEA", the Anti-Terrorism "BLAUR "in Medellin Bogotá, characterized in that not only counteract the urban and rural violence, but also because they serve as support to train police in other countries such as Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Mexico and Venezuela.
With the increase of the phenomenon of drug trafficking in Colombia in the eighties, specifically with the cultivation and export of marijuana was the illicit markets in the United States, the Bureau of Narcotics complex mission was proposed to cope with this type criminal and who accords with this illegal and the guerrillas and organized gangs that arose over the production and trafficking drugs.
Thus, with the cooperation of Britain and the Narcotics Division began in 1989, the first course Jungle Commando specializing in countering drug trafficking in all its manifestations, through interdiction operations against producers of marijuana in wilderness areas of northern Colombia and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Guajira.
The Jungle specialty, unique and first of its kind in Latin America began with the participation of 120 men, received a similar preparation with focus groups on anti-subversion and survival as it was parallel Corps Special Operations COPES, also in practical subjects in combat, explosives, weapons and shooting, defense, navigation, first aid, helicotransportadas operations, penetration and registration, among others.
born 20 years ago in Colombia the Jungle Commando, a specialist group of the CNP. How to think and operate. Captain Rodriguez
pauses in front of the Black Hawk helicopter to calculate the distance between the aircraft and the ground. Then jump, wait than just where is a trap from which they spoke the night before at the briefing (preliminary investigation) which launched Operation Eclipse: holes about six feet deep where the FARC guerrillas placed sharp sticks dipped in their tips with curare, the deadly poison.
Jungle The 51 policemen accompanying the captain departed this morning on two Black Hawk from its base in San José del Guaviare and now, after 55 minutes of flight, are located near Puerto Alvira, 53 miles east of Mapiripán. Their mission is clear: get up and destroy a chagra, a laboratory of cocaine base belonging to John Edier, commander of the FARC's Front 44 and is able to produce cocaine hydrochloride enough to lead to drug markets 4 tons monthly. The information that the CNP has acquired before the operation is not very encouraging: "A few miles from the laboratory is located a FARC camp that includes a training center," he said last night Colonel Chavarro. "We have 300 guerrillas in the vicinity of the target and we know that in addition to the 30 workers there are 15 snipers protecting chagra directly," he added. And while Captain Rodriguez and colleagues have air support four helicopters (two Black Hawk in which they reached the place and two Huey) the hard part is over their shoulders. The 26 members of each Black Hawk helicopter needed to land them just 15 seconds and thereafter operate as a Swiss watch. Running crouch and move while seeking protection behind anything that stands in their way: a tree, a rock or a fallen log. Missing a few hundred meters to reach the lab, but each step may be the last. The rustic wooden building that houses the lab is on the edge of a forest, a perfect place where snipers can hide.
Each of the jungle knows what to do. Have passed four months of training and those involved in the operation today represent only ten percent of those who aspire eventually to integrate a Jungle Commando. But not enough to overcome the physical and psychological preparation required the police in their training center in Espinal, Tolima, but also have to specialize. Are the snipers who arrived to install the ring laboratory safety are nurses, specialists in explosives and judicial officers taking evidence and seek further evidence to allow the prosecution to assemble legally the case. But actually work of the Jungle Commando not before making a laboratory of cocaine, heroin or marijuana. Besides this, its pilots accompany fumigation missions by air, provide security for manual eradicators, seize drug shipments and drug traffickers caught. And Brigadier General Alvaro Caro Melendez, director of the Narcotics Police, referred to these works when he states: "Last year and so far from this, we had a record seizure of 92 tons of cocaine and its derivatives."
Taking the chagra
Not yet dropped a shot. Rodríguez communicates by radio with the helicopters that are watching the mission from the air to ask if they have located a subject. The answer is negative. Raise your hand and tell their colleagues to move forward. The laboratory is a few meters and you will perceive the smell of chemicals. Captain, 32 years old, left after a couple of minutes while your eyes analyzes the forest that surrounds the lens. He knows that any mistake can cost you to commit life to him or one of his companions. Finally gives the order to enter to the garden and the first thing is there are several hundred kilograms of coca leaves scattered on the floor and ready for processing. Also, find a stove on, which indicates that until recently there were people on the site. While securing the place, Carlos Galindo, judicial police, begins its work. Implements out of the bag to take samples of the inputs that is, take notes about the amount of coca that is in the chagra, recorded with a camera and look for evidence facilities. Stored in a corner discovers two school notebooks, which in turn make books. Irregular writing letters and little contact with the literature learns that Pocolerrinde was one of the less efficient the laboratory and processed coca, which corresponds to the 'Bolivian black', one of the varieties most popular drug in the world. By studying the figures given of the scale of the coup that just give the guerrillas is one of the largest chagras taken during the past six months in the country.
In a few moments reach the site where two Black Hawk collect them. And while Rodriguez Galindo and his colleagues are seen the voltage printed on their faces, I get a smile. "Someday our children will live in a better country," Castro screaming noise of helicopters. "For to end the conflict in Colombia is to eliminate drug trafficking funding it, "proclaims to get on the aircraft. The Black Hawk gives a last lap on the forest. From the top you see a vast carpet of green pure interrupted by a column of black smoke rising from where it was located half an hour chagra huge. The 52 members of the Jungle Commando trying to reposition itself in the Black Hawk taking course to Mapiripán to refuel again. From there today torn to La Macarena to 'lift' another laboratory, in the hands of another commander of that guerrillas or any other drug dealer. By Oliver Shmieg Journal
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